時(shí)間:2024-07-05 來(lái)源: 作者: 我要糾錯(cuò)
GSOE9340 – Life Cycle Engineering
Assignment One - Term 2-2024
Assignment weight: 30%
Due date: Thursday, Week 5, 27 June 2024
Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to develop an understanding of the first step
of operationalizing the framework for LCE, which is the total space allocation for the
selected industry, organisation and a product based on allocation principles discussed in
week2. This will increase your familiarity with how the environmental space is allocated
to achieve the 2°C reduction goal, and the relevant reduction pathways towards
decarbonization. As a result of completing this assignment, you will be able to determine
the environmental space allocated or the emission budget of your industry and product, and
the reduction required to meet the 2°C reduction goal.
Task: The assignment will require week 1 and week 2 lectures. Therefore, you should
attempt the following tasks by using both week’s lecture materials. Before you attempt the
following tasks, find an industry sector, a company and a product that you want to
investigate, ideally from your technical background. It is also critical to remember that the
assignments throughout the term will be a rolling one, therefore, the chosen product will
be used for assignments 2 and 3 as well. The annual Share of the Safe Operating Space for
climate (SoS
) in 2022 reference year is estimated to be 52.069 MtCO
eq/year based
on IPCCs SSP1-1.9 scenario (IPCC, 2018). By using this and the chosen product and the
Determine SoS for the sector (SoS
), the company (SoS
) by using
one of the allocation principles discussed in the week 2 lecture for the
reference year 2020 after clearly justifying the choice of allocation principle.
? By using another allocation principle from the week 2 lecture notes,
determine the SoS for your chosen product (SoS
) for the reference year
2020 after clearly justifying the choice of allocation principle.
Determine the estimated volume growth / year of your chosen organization
and the product from 2022 to 2050 by using the publicly available data. You
may use simple regression analysis to do this by using past data if the data is
not available. Resulting growth should be shown as a graph after providing
data set or regression model used.
Determine the change in the SoS
from 2022 to 2050 and show a graph
after providing data set or regression model used.
Comment on the advantages and disadvantages of the chosen SoS allocation
method and discuss potential implications for your organization, sector and
for the planet.
You may make assumptions if you need one after clearly stating them.
All tasks are not equal value.
Assessment Criteria:
NOTE: Everything needs to be clearly documented. If it is not in your report, it does
NOT exist. Your intention is not evidence for the task.
Providing a detailed references for the background data used and demonstrating rigorous data
Providing a formula for the allocation methods used for both chosen organisation and
Providing a formula for volume prediction, predicted volumes for each year and estimation of
volume growth annually.
Providing a graph to show the change in the SoS
Providing all calculations, in addition to graphs, so that the results can be replicated.
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